Tuesday, October 4, 2011
CPEP Boat Rules and Specs
Challenge: Using prefabricated CPEP kits, high school students are challenged to design,
construct, evaluate, test and enter a single-hull propeller powered electric boat in the CPEP Day
Core Outcomes: High School students will demonstrate/define/illustrate the following: concepts
of buoyancy, velocity, density and displacement, Archimedes’ Principle and Newton’s Third
Law of Physics.
Rules: Each high school student team will construct a single-hull boat using the kits provided by
CPEP. Each kit will contain the following:
· (1) 2”x 4”x 9” Styrofoam Hull Blank
· (1) Electric Motor
· (1) 9-Volt Battery
· (1) 9-Volt Battery Connector
· (1) 1” Dia. Propeller
· (1) 4” x 2mm Drive Shaft
· (1) Flexible Drive Coupler
These materials will allow teams to build a competitive propeller powered electric boat. Please
keep in mind that additional items such as an on/off switch or ballast weight may be used to
enhance performance. However, the original 9-Volt battery, motor, and propeller supplied in the
kit must be used for the CPEP Day competition. Teachers will be supplied with (2) test batteries
for classroom performance testing.
Boat Design: Boats may be constructed using any Styrofoam single-hull design. However, hull
designs must conform to the following standards:
· No more than 4” (10.2cm) in overall width and no more than 9” (22.8cm) in overall length.
· Must be designed to race in a 4.25” (10.8cm) wide by 10’ (3m) long vinyl track.
· All boats must be evaluated, modified, and tested prior to the CPEP Day competition.
Judging & Scoring: The official tracks for this event are 10 feet long and approximately 4.25
inches wide (inside dimension). One member from the team will bring the boat to the track, place
the boat in the water and hold the boat in place until the start signal is given. False starts and
shoving the boat forward will result in disqualification. Each team will be provided two time
trials per boat (the fastest of the two trials will be recorded). General boat repair can be made
between the two time trials.
*In addition: an award will be given for a boat with the same hull design specifications as
previously mentioned that incorporates environmentally sensitive materials, as opposed to the
Styrofoam that is currently used in the models.
Boats Resources
CPEP Boats Resources
Boat Rules Sheet
Buoyancy: An upward acting force caused by fluid pressure such as the water pressure on the hull of your boat is called buoyancy. see: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/lasalle/buoybasics.html
Density: The mass of an object occupying a given volume is called density. see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Density
Displacement: The word displacement refers to the mass of the water that an object such as your boat displaces while floating. see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Displacement_(ship)
Newton's Third Law of Motion: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. see: http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/newt.html#nt3
Velocity: The rate of change in the position of an object such as your boat is called velocity. see: http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/vel2.html#c1
How do submarines manage to control the way they float and sink? To learn more visit the U.S. Office of Naval Research. see: http://www.onr.navy.mil/focus/blowballast/sub/work1.htm
Why do boats float and rocks sink? To learn more see: http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/farid/sciencekids/float.html
Resources to review
And, yes, you have to come up with a different design than last year.
Designs must be drawn out before you can start construction.
Boat Rules Sheet
Review the information below to learn more about these core concepts of physics and how they apply to the CPEP Boat Challenge.
Archimedes' Principle: The buoyancy force is equal to the weight of the displaced water. see: http://physics.weber.edu/carroll/archimedes/principle.htm To learn more about the Greek scientist and inventor Archimedes, see: http://www.cs.drexel.edu/~crorres/Archimedes/contents.htmlBuoyancy: An upward acting force caused by fluid pressure such as the water pressure on the hull of your boat is called buoyancy. see: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/lasalle/buoybasics.html
Density: The mass of an object occupying a given volume is called density. see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Density
Displacement: The word displacement refers to the mass of the water that an object such as your boat displaces while floating. see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Displacement_(ship)
Newton's Third Law of Motion: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. see: http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/newt.html#nt3
Velocity: The rate of change in the position of an object such as your boat is called velocity. see: http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/vel2.html#c1
How do submarines manage to control the way they float and sink? To learn more visit the U.S. Office of Naval Research. see: http://www.onr.navy.mil/focus/blowballast/sub/work1.htm
Why do boats float and rocks sink? To learn more see: http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/farid/sciencekids/float.html
Resources to review
And, yes, you have to come up with a different design than last year.
Designs must be drawn out before you can start construction.
Engineering Design Process
Engineering Design Process
The engineering design process involves a series of steps that lead to the development of a new product or system. In this design challenge, students are to complete each step and document their work as they develop their lunar plant growth chamber. The students should be able to do the following:
STEP 1: Identify the Problem -- Students should state the challenge problem in their own words. Example: How can I design a __________ that will __________?
STEP 2: Identify Criteria and Constraints -- Students should specify the design requirements (criteria). Example: Our growth chamber must have a growing surface of 10 square feet and have a delivery volume of 3 cubic feet or less. Students should list the limits on the design due to available resources and the environment (constraints). Example: Our growth chamber must be accessible to astronauts without the need for leaving the spacecraft.
STEP 3: Brainstorm Possible Solutions -- Each student in the group should sketch his or her own ideas as the group discusses ways to solve the problem. Labels and arrows should be included to identify parts and how they might move. These drawings should be quick and brief.
STEP 4: Generate Ideas -- In this step, each student should develop two or three ideas more thoroughly. Students should create new drawings that are orthographic projections (multiple views showing the top, front and one side) and isometric drawings (three-dimensional depiction). These are to be drawn neatly, using rulers to draw straight lines and to make parts proportional. Parts and measurements should be labeled clearly.
STEP 5: Explore Possibilities -- The developed ideas should be shared and discussed among the team members. Students should record pros and cons of each design idea directly on the paper next to the drawings.
STEP 6: Select an Approach -- Students should work in teams and identify the design that appears to solve the problem the best. Students should write a statement that describes why they chose the solution. This should include some reference to the criteria and constraints identified above.
STEP 7: Build a Model or Prototype -- Students will construct a full-size or scale model based on their drawings. The teacher will help identify and acquire appropriate modeling materials and tools. See the design brief for a sample list.
STEP 8: Refine the Design -- Students will examine and evaluate their prototypes or designs based on the criteria and constraints. Groups may enlist students from other groups to review the solution and help identify changes that need to be made. Based on criteria and constraints, teams must identify any problems and proposed solutions.
From NASA - http://www.nasa.gov/audience/foreducators/plantgrowth/reference/Eng_Design_5-12.html
The engineering design process involves a series of steps that lead to the development of a new product or system. In this design challenge, students are to complete each step and document their work as they develop their lunar plant growth chamber. The students should be able to do the following:
STEP 1: Identify the Problem -- Students should state the challenge problem in their own words. Example: How can I design a __________ that will __________?
STEP 2: Identify Criteria and Constraints -- Students should specify the design requirements (criteria). Example: Our growth chamber must have a growing surface of 10 square feet and have a delivery volume of 3 cubic feet or less. Students should list the limits on the design due to available resources and the environment (constraints). Example: Our growth chamber must be accessible to astronauts without the need for leaving the spacecraft.
STEP 3: Brainstorm Possible Solutions -- Each student in the group should sketch his or her own ideas as the group discusses ways to solve the problem. Labels and arrows should be included to identify parts and how they might move. These drawings should be quick and brief.
STEP 4: Generate Ideas -- In this step, each student should develop two or three ideas more thoroughly. Students should create new drawings that are orthographic projections (multiple views showing the top, front and one side) and isometric drawings (three-dimensional depiction). These are to be drawn neatly, using rulers to draw straight lines and to make parts proportional. Parts and measurements should be labeled clearly.
STEP 5: Explore Possibilities -- The developed ideas should be shared and discussed among the team members. Students should record pros and cons of each design idea directly on the paper next to the drawings.
STEP 6: Select an Approach -- Students should work in teams and identify the design that appears to solve the problem the best. Students should write a statement that describes why they chose the solution. This should include some reference to the criteria and constraints identified above.
STEP 7: Build a Model or Prototype -- Students will construct a full-size or scale model based on their drawings. The teacher will help identify and acquire appropriate modeling materials and tools. See the design brief for a sample list.
STEP 8: Refine the Design -- Students will examine and evaluate their prototypes or designs based on the criteria and constraints. Groups may enlist students from other groups to review the solution and help identify changes that need to be made. Based on criteria and constraints, teams must identify any problems and proposed solutions.
From NASA - http://www.nasa.gov/audience/foreducators/plantgrowth/reference/Eng_Design_5-12.html
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Maglev Project 2011
image source:http://www.smtdc.com/en![]()
"Shanghai Magnetic Levitation Demonstration Operation Line" is a magnetic levitation train line that operates in Shanghai, China. It is notable for being the first commercial high-speed Maglev line in the world — during a test run on November 12, 2003, a Maglev vehicle achieved a Chinese record speed of 501 km/h (311 mph).
Using prefabricated CPEP kits, students are challenged to design, construct, evaluate, test and enter a "Maglev" vehicle that transports passengers in the CPEP Day competition. Through this hands-on design and construction challenge students will understand and be able to state the Universal law of Gravity and demonstrate an understanding of it; and define and demonstrate what magnetic “attraction” and magnetic “repulsion” is. Students will also be able to explain what a “magnetic field” is, and relate it to magnets, as well as Maglev vehicles and a Maglev track. Students will describe at least three benefits of the use of Maglev vs. diesel trains and be able to demonstrate an understanding of open and closed electrical circuitry if participating in the electric Maglev event.
image source:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Solenoid.svg
Review the information below to learn more about these core concepts of physics and how they apply to the CPEP MAGLEV Challenge.
Electrical Circuit: An electrical circuit is an unbroken loop of conductive material that allows electrons to flow through continuously without beginning or end. For more information see:http://www.andythelwell.com/blobz/guide.html
Magnetic Attraction: An attracting force that occurs when two similar poles of two magnets are placed facing each each other, such as negative to positive or positive to negative is called magnetic attraction. For more information see: http://www.magnet.fsu.edu/education/tutorials/index.html
Magnetic Field: A magnetic field is an invisible force that is responsible for the most notable property of a magnet: a force that pulls on other ferromagnetic materials like iron and attracts or repels other magnets. An electromagnet force is made from a coil of wire which acts as a magnet when an electric current passes through it, but stops being a magnet when the current stops. For more information see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnet
Magnetic Levitation: Anyone who has ever handled magnets knows that opposite poles attract and similar poles repel, which happens to be the fundamental basis of electromagnetic propulsion.Magnetic levitation falls into two categories: electromagnetic suspension (EMS) and electrodynamic suspension (EDS). In electrodynamic suspension, superconducting magnets on both the track and the rail car exert opposing magnetic fields and the repelling forces suspend the rail car. Electromagnetic suspension works the opposite way, using the attraction of electromagnets beneath the rail to keep the train elevated above the track. In each case, the rail cars are suspended on a magnetic cushion about a half-inch above the tracks. For more information see:http://www.magnet.fsu.edu/education/tutorials/museum/maglevtrains.html.
Magnetic Repulsion: A repelling force that occurs when two different poles of two magnets are placed facing each each other, such as negative to negative or positive to positive is called magnetic repulsion. For more information see: http://www.magnet.fsu.edu/education/tutorials/index.html
Universal law of Gravity: Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation states that every massive particle in the universe attracts every other massive particle with a force which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. For more information see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newton%27s_law_of_universal_gravitation
Is MAGLEV Rocket Science and is it safe? To find out watch: http://www.parallaxfilm.com/promo/maglev/
Will MAGLEV be the solution to our transportation needs in the future? For more information read: http://www.21stcenturysciencetech.com/articles/Summer03/maglev2.html
Magnetic Attraction: An attracting force that occurs when two similar poles of two magnets are placed facing each each other, such as negative to positive or positive to negative is called magnetic attraction. For more information see: http://www.magnet.fsu.edu/education/tutorials/index.html
Magnetic Field: A magnetic field is an invisible force that is responsible for the most notable property of a magnet: a force that pulls on other ferromagnetic materials like iron and attracts or repels other magnets. An electromagnet force is made from a coil of wire which acts as a magnet when an electric current passes through it, but stops being a magnet when the current stops. For more information see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnet
Magnetic Levitation: Anyone who has ever handled magnets knows that opposite poles attract and similar poles repel, which happens to be the fundamental basis of electromagnetic propulsion.Magnetic levitation falls into two categories: electromagnetic suspension (EMS) and electrodynamic suspension (EDS). In electrodynamic suspension, superconducting magnets on both the track and the rail car exert opposing magnetic fields and the repelling forces suspend the rail car. Electromagnetic suspension works the opposite way, using the attraction of electromagnets beneath the rail to keep the train elevated above the track. In each case, the rail cars are suspended on a magnetic cushion about a half-inch above the tracks. For more information see:http://www.magnet.fsu.edu/education/tutorials/museum/maglevtrains.html.
Magnetic Repulsion: A repelling force that occurs when two different poles of two magnets are placed facing each each other, such as negative to negative or positive to positive is called magnetic repulsion. For more information see: http://www.magnet.fsu.edu/education/tutorials/index.html
Universal law of Gravity: Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation states that every massive particle in the universe attracts every other massive particle with a force which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. For more information see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newton%27s_law_of_universal_gravitation
Is MAGLEV Rocket Science and is it safe? To find out watch: http://www.parallaxfilm.com/promo/maglev/

Challenge: Using prefabricated CPEP kits, high school students are challenged to design, construct, evaluate, test and enter a Maglev vehicle in the CPEP Day competition.
Core Outcomes: High School students will understand and be able to state the Universal law of Gravity and demonstrate an understanding of it; and define and demonstrate what magnetic “attraction” and magnetic “repulsion” is. Students will be able to explain what a “magnetic field” is, and relate it to magnets, as well as Maglev vehicles and a Maglev track. Students will also be able to describe how a magnetic levitation vehicle benefits the environment.
Rules: Each high school student team will build a Maglev vehicle using the chassis components provided by CPEP. Each vehicle must incorporate a body that is constructed from recyclable materials. The body design must also contain a compartment for three passengers (ping pong balls). This compartment must retain its shape with or without the passengers, and these passengers must be easily loaded/unloaded by the Maglev judges on CPEP Day. The vehicle will be disqualified if it loses a passenger while being track tested. All vehicles must fit within a 12”(30.4cm) cube.
Each kit will contain the following items to construct the chassis:
- (1) Plastic “U” Channel
- (2) Plastic “J” Channels
- (4) Magnets
Electric Motor Powered Maglev:
· (1) Electric Motor
· (1) 3” Propeller
· (2) 6” long, 24ga Copper Coated Steel Wires
Rubber Band Propeller Powered Maglev:
· (1) 5” Propeller
· (1) 3/16” x 7/16” x 10 ½” Propeller Support
· (1) 7” Rubber Band
Each school will be provided with a 5-foot Maglev test track for trial runs. A ten-foot long track will be used during the CPEP Day competition.
Maglev Categories and Rules: Students may choose one of the following categories for the Maglev challenge. We suggest that students start with building a Gravity Powered Maglev vehicle.
- Gravity Powered
- Wind Powered
- Rubber Band Propeller Powered
- Electric Motor Powered
Gravity Powered Maglev: Students can use their creativity to test various designs that include additional weights, and their placement.
Rubber Band Propeller Maglev: Students must use the propeller, propeller support, and rubber band supplied in the kit. Sails or wings are not permitted.
Electric Motor Maglev: Students must use the motor and propeller supplied in the kit. Vehicles can be tested by using a 9-Volt battery to supply power to the 5’ test track.
Judging and Scoring: Each team will be allowed two trial runs for each category of Maglev vehicle. Electronic timers will be used to determine the fastest trial for each team.
Prototype Maglev: An award will be given for a Prototype Maglev project that uses the same specifications mentioned previously, but incorporates environmentally sensitive chassis materials as well
Thursday, May 20, 2010
CPEP Day 2010

You guys did awesome at CPEP day. I wish I could have been there to cheer you on!
Results for Central High School's CPEP teams:
Claudelle, David, Sheila, Ana - 1st place - Maglev / 2nd place Batt Powered Boats
Nicolle, Oscar, Jose - 3rd place - Roller Coasters
Claudelle - 2nd Mancalla
Nicolle - 1st place Mancalla
Sheila - 3rd place brain teaser
David - 2nd place Rubrics Cube
Jose - raffle - iPod shuffle
Ana - raffle - Lake Compounce tickets
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Update of schedule
Hi everyone!
We will complete the boats (final test run) and start the MagLev (magnetic levitation) on Dec 22nd. Then, after the holiday break, we will continue with the MagLev project.
Remember that we will have time to fine-tune each project in April before the competition at CPEP day.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Hi everyone,
We missed this week and we will miss next week due to meetings and election day.
We will meet on Tuesday, November 10th and we will be working on building and testing the boats.
Make sure you are there so you can finish your boats on time.
If you have any questions or concerns, please see me in room C209 or email me at dandrade@bridgeportedu.net
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